Mountain Biking in Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang is the last forbidden kingdom. It is in the Trans-Himalayan region of western Nepal and was only opened to tourists in 1992. Since then, trekking in Upper Mustang has become one of the most popular things to do in Nepal. In recent years, it has become a more popular place for people who like to go mountain biking.

The Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Tour goes through many different places, from the dry Mustang region to the lowlands of Tatopani. The trail goes along an old salt trade route, where people can learn about and experience the unique culture and traditions of the area that have been kept alive for a long time. People who live around Jomsom and Marpha are called Thakali, while people who live in the higher areas have a culture that is very similar to Tibetan culture. Tibetan Buddhism is practiced in both of these groups. The Lubra village is another unique part of this tour. It is the only place in the Mustang area where you can see people practicing the religion called "Bon," which came before Buddhism.

Most of this tour is in the Annapurna Conservation Area Project, which is known for its wide range of plant and animal life. During the tour, you can see beautiful views of Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167 m), Mt. Annapurna (8091 m), Nilgiri, Tilicho Peak, Tukuche Peak, and many more snow-capped mountains, as well as Buddhist monasteries, chortens, stupas, wall caves, peaceful villages, and the warm hospitality of the local people. During the tour, you will ride along the Kaligandaki River, which has the deepest gorge in the world.

“A bad day on the mountain bike always beats a good day in the office.”

By Mike Brcic

Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Route Plan

Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Trip begins at Kathmandu. The trip starts with a flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, followed by a short, beautiful flight from Pokhara to Jomsom, where the biking trip starts. From Jomsom, you start your bike trip by riding on a flat, rocky jeep track along the Kali Gandaki Valley towards Kagbeni. From Kagbeni, you keep riding uphill to get to Muktinath, which is Lord Shiva's holy temple. The rider then follows the trail to Upper Mustang, which is a forbidden land. You can get to Lo-Manthang by going through Chele, Syangboche, and Tsarang. Lo-Manthang was the walled capital of the old "Kingdom of Lo." It has many old monasteries and a lot of Tibetan culture and tradition that has been well kept. From Lo-Manthang, we take some new single-track routes that give us great views of the high peaks and beautiful valleys in the area. We ride through the apple orchards of Marpha and keep going downhill until we reach Tatopani, where you can wash away your tiredness after the exciting biking trip. You can ride to Beni from Tatopani. After a drive from Beni to Pokhara and a flight back to Kathmandu, the adventurous and exciting mountain biking trip to Upper Mustang comes to an end.

Sample Itinerary for Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Trip

Day 1: Arrival in Nepal.

Day 2: Warm-up ride around Kathmandu.

Day 3: Fly to Pokhara (822m).

Day 4: Fly to Jomsom (2743m) and ride to Kagbeni (2804m).

Day 5: Muktinath enduro (maximum altitude 3900m).

Day 6: Gyu la enduro (maximum altitude 4077m).

Day 7: Dhakmar Enduro (maximum altitude 4000m).

Day 8: Lo Manthang enduro (maximum altitude 4280 m).

Day 9: Chooser enduro (maximum altitude 4050 m).

Day 10: Rest day at Lomanthang.

Day 11: Dhi Enduro (maximum altitude 4000 m).

Day 12: Jomsom enduro (maximum altitude 3800 m).

Day 13: Fly to Pokhara.

Day 14: Fly to Kathmandu.

Day 15: Final Departure.

Highlight of Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Tour

The highest pass in the world – See three 8,000-meter peaks from one spot.

Get into a place that used to be off-limits.

Remote lifestyles – no modernisation.

Full integration with the people and customs of the area.

Exposure to a culture that is a mix of Buddhist and Hindu.

Tibetan culture makes things better.

Bucket list biking destination.

Epic ride and flight between two peaks that are over 8,000 meters high.

All about apples: Apple gardens, apple cider and apple pie.

The landscape ranges from the high Himalayan desert to the tropical.

Biking to Tibet along a salt trade route that has been around for centuries.

Temples and monasteries in the busy city of Kathmandu.

Pokhara has a calm lakeside setting.

Why to take a mountain biking trip to Upper Mustang?

The Kingdom of Upper Mustang was once a forbidden destination, but now it's a great place to see and experience the unspoiled way of life of the local people, including their inspiring social practices and real religious and cultural aspects. This, along with the unique landscapes, made natural biking trails in the Himalayas. Mountain bikers from all over the world put the Upper Mustang on their "bucket list" of things to do.

The best time for Upper Mustang mountain biking tour

Upper Mustang is a great place to go on a mountain biking tour in the spring or fall. Nepal's fantasies and the mountains in the Annapurna region are best seen between March and May and September and November. The weather is dry and predictable during this time, and the views are endless. The rainy season is not a good time for this tour because the mountain biking trails get muddy and slippery. Also, you can't mountain bike in the winter because the path is full of snow.

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Everything was well organized, the routes were scenic and at the same time diverse. Bicycles were very good, well equipped and comfortable.


My best bike trip ever. The route features some difficult but enjoyable sections. Will definitely go again. I would want to travel with this group again in the future to experience a new region of Europe.


Excellent cycling trip through Nepal's wonderful towns and landscape. The hotels were of high quality and well placed. The bikes were new or nearly new and fully functional.


The trip was incredible. Everything was excellent. We adored our entire local team. Each member of the local team went above and beyond to make our cycling tour exceptional.


An unique cycling experience, very unique cycling experience in Nepal. Everyone at Raj's team wanted to deliver the ultimate cycling experience, and they did.

Peter Mook.