Best Time for Mountain Biking in Nepal

If you have a choice, go for October to December, when there’s not much rain and visibility is good. It gets gradually cooler but never gets very cold at biking elevations – in fact, even in December and January the days can be sunny and even warm anywhere up to about 3000m, though snow may occasionally be encountered as low as 2000m.

December and January are also the most comfortable months for cycling in Pokhara and the Terai. The shortening days are a factor, though: by December you’ll need to be off the roads or trails by 4.30pm or so.

From January to March the days lengthen and grow warmer. This too is a good time for biking. In April, May and the first part of June, the weather keeps getting hotter, the road conditions dustier, the air hazier – and afternoon showers become more common. On the plus side, you can take advantage of long daylight hours. The monsoon (mid-June to late Sept) is hot and damp; the mountains are usually hidden by clouds, and the trails are wet or muddy. This is prime riding time in Tibet and Mustang, however, both of which are shielded from the rains by the Himalayas.

Another seasonal consideration is the race calendar. Events run by different mountain-bike companies are held throughout the year, but some have a serious international profile. Yak Attack, organized by Dawn Till Dusk, usually takes place in early March, and takes serious competitors from Kathmandu west via Nuwakot and Gorkha (off the main roads) towards an incredible crossing of the Thorung La pass, in the Annapurna range. The Trans Nepal race, in December, follows a 5-day route on 4WD trails from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

“Any day I’m out on a bike is a good one”

By Martyn Ashton

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Everything was well organized, the routes were scenic and at the same time diverse. Bicycles were very good, well equipped and comfortable.


My best bike trip ever. The route features some difficult but enjoyable sections. Will definitely go again. I would want to travel with this group again in the future to experience a new region of Europe.


Excellent cycling trip through Nepal's wonderful towns and landscape. The hotels were of high quality and well placed. The bikes were new or nearly new and fully functional.


The trip was incredible. Everything was excellent. We adored our entire local team. Each member of the local team went above and beyond to make our cycling tour exceptional.


An unique cycling experience, very unique cycling experience in Nepal. Everyone at Raj's team wanted to deliver the ultimate cycling experience, and they did.

Peter Mook.